Monday, February 20, 2012

Novelty Lane Designer Interview - R.L. by Ray

R.L. 品牌於2011年成立, 品牌主要以Print T-Shirt, 絲襪為主
而產品路線主要以黑白簡約線條, 將各大品牌的細節部份, 加以玩味設計, 演變成R.L. 品牌風格

Introduce your brand
R.L. was established in 2011, major in Print T-shirts, stockings. The product line is mainly in black with white simple lines. For pattern, I will add playful elements on international brands logo to make R.L. more outstanding.

於IVE時裝設計系畢業, 到後來是一位髮型師, 之後在一個巧合下再報讀時裝設計進修, 並於2011年開設R.L. 品牌小店及辨工室

What is your original job before being a designer?
I was graduated from IVE Fashion Design. After graduated I worked as a hair stylist. After that I continue studied Fashion Design and started my own brand R.L. and a small shop in 2011. 

R.L. 有什麼設計概念?
R.L. 品牌主要是黑白簡約線條, 將各大品牌的細節部份和女仕們的恩物, 加以玩味設計, 演變成R.L. 品牌風格Print T-Shirt

What is R.L. design concept?
R.L. is mainly in black and white. I have add playful elements on international brands logo to make R.L. more outstanding.

由讀書時期已經對時裝充滿興趣, 課本上的時裝插圖多於文字, 所以在中學畢業後決定報讀時裝設計

Why you will choose to stud fashion design?
When I was young, I already have a big interest in fashion design. Most of text books contained more pictures than words, so I decided to study fashion design after secondary graduation.

從事時裝行業大約2年。R.L. 品牌以T-Shirt為主, 而且剪裁上較特別和比較中性, 男仕亦可穿著,而配襯方面亦比較容易, 上身可配襯間單外套/西裝褸, 亦可在Print Tee內配Shoulder Pad, 而下身可襯短裙,Leggings/絲襪(可選擇鮮艷颜色). 或型格褲子

How long you have work in fashion industry?
i have worked in fashion industry for 2 years. R.L. is mainly focused in Tee and the cutting designed is neutral, men can also wear. For styling, you can wear cardigan or jacket. For more playful, you can add a shoulder pad inside the tee. Bottom can mix with a leggings or tights.

建立一個品牌難處在於設計及銷售方面, 因資本有限, 當設計T-Shirt時, 要考慮到剪裁方面, 如何能型格一點, 亦要顧及盡量令到任何人仕能夠穿著, 而在銷售方面, 除了facebook宣傳外, 找一家聲譽好及適合R.L. 網站站品牌形象亦不容易

What kind of difficulties when start your own brand?
As there is limited capital, design and sales are the major difficulties. When designing the tee, I need to consider the cutting in order to make easy to wear. For sale, I mainly use facebook for promotion and cooperate with an online shop.

Novelty Lane Designer Interview on Free-TV - R.L. by Ray
R.L. collection is available at

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