Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Best Shoes for Summer Maxis

Let’s face it: maxi dresses and skirts are seriously all the rage this summer; and you won’t want to be caught dead without one. There are literally hundreds of maxi dresses for women, all with unique styles from subtle to wild and everything in between. However, just by wearing a maxi dress or skirt doesn’t automatically mean you’re suddenly hip and stylish. You have to know which pair of shoes is best for summer maxis. Don’t know? Don’t fret! This list of best shoes for summer maxis will ensure you are fashion forward and sexy all summer long.

1.  Flat Sandals
You guessed it! Sandals are definitely the number one pick to pair up with your summer maxis. Sandals are another summer statement, and paired up with a cute maxi, there’s no doubt you won’t look like a summer fashionista.
It’s really easy to find a pair of sandals that pair up with your favorite maxi dress or skirt, as just about any combination will function properly. However, if you really want to pair your outfit with your shoes magnificently, there’s one simple instruction you need to follow: compliment, don’t compete- contrast is preferred. For example, if you have a subtle maxi skirt, then pair it up with sandals with a bit more spunk and wildness. On the other hand, a maxi dress that is vibrant and flashy does not need a pair of shoes trying to ‘outdo’ the dress. Find a pair of more subtle and sophisticated sandals to match the funky attire.

    ZHOEZZY                        ZHOEZZY                               ZHOEZZY
2.  Wedge Sandals
Wedge sandals are another crowd favorite during the summertime; and yup, you’ve guessed it again! They work wonders with your favorite maxi dress or skirt. The height of the wedge makes a beautiful accent to the long and luxurious length of summer maxis. Just make sure you follow the same instructions as flat sandals and you will put together a killer outfit all the ladies will be jealous of.

ZHOEZZY                          ZHOEZZY                       ZHOEZZY

3.  High Heels
High heels work beautifully with maxis; however, it is important to note which high heels will function properly with your maxi dress or skirt. It is best to completely stay away from the high heels you wear to work. These professional, business like high heels simply don’t connect with the flow of maxis, and therefore s best to stay away altogether. However, if you’re a heel lover you can try out one of these cute styles: open toed high heels, stilettos, and strappy heels. You can buy all these cute styles at, even when you’re on a budget thanks to Novelty Lane.

ZHOEZZY                          ZHOEZZY                       ZHOEZZY

4.The Don’t List:

Of course, there are a few shoe types you must stay away from if you plan on looking like a true fashionista this summer. Don’t consider the following shoes before heading out on the town:
   Full coverage sandals
   Low heeled shoes
I’m sure you can imagine why these shoes make the ‘don’t’ list. While they may look good with other outfits, the aforementioned shoes provide a frumpy and unstylish look you definitely don’t want to sport this summer.

Author Bio: Emma Watson is a freelance writer and college English teacher. She writes on Fashion, technology, education and grammar, reality shows, poetry, and more. For more of her helpful blog posts, please go to to see useful tips on various topics.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Summer chic look 夏日裝飾系列

Want to highlight your summer chic look? Here is our summer accessories collection. They are all handmade and unique. They include the ethnic style iphone case, British Dandy bow ties and sugary and fantasy bracelets. Please go to for further information.

想營造夏日型look?我們推出了夏日裝飾系列,所有貨品都是獨一無二和手造的包括英倫bowtie,手飾和民族iPhone case. 詳情請到

Tribute to Chanel Gift Set

Coco Chanel is definitely a legendary fashion icon whom many generations of people look up to. Here is our latest “Tribute to Chanel” gift set with children’s book, necklace and print tees for you and your little children. Please go to for further information.

香奈兒絕對是時裝界的經典人物。她對時裝服飾的美學影響至今,很多人都視她為時尚偶像。我們最推出了這個向chanel 致敬的giftset,包括了print tee ,項鍊和兒童圖書

MAKIN JAN MA 香港時裝品牌 Hong Kong Fashion Designer Label

MAKIN JAN MA is a fashion brand that produces stylish and casual looks for both men and women. Studying graphic design in London, mjm manages to create strong and unique graphics which can be further employed to make intricate and vibrant prints on clothes. With the use of tartans and slogan tees, it is easy to find that there is British influence on the clothing of mjm.

Makin Jan ma 是一個隨意有型的時裝品牌,設計師曾於倫敦的central saint Martin 攻讀graphic design,所以mjm 強於製作生動有趣的圖案,並巧妙地運用於其時裝作品之上。在系列中不難感受作品的英倫風格。

112 mountainyam Hong Kong Designer Label 香港設計師品牌

112 mountainyam is a fashion brand that focuses on subtleness and elegance of the clothing. Designer plays with pattern cutting, tailoring and embellishments in a very sophisticated way in order to create contemporary and stylish daywear for women. The brand strikes a perfect balance between functionality and detailing.

112 mountainyam 是一個風格優雅低調的本地時裝品牌。設計師mountain yam 對於剪裁十分講究,成熟地運用裝飾和布料在身體上的摺疊,去營造當代有型的女性型象。品牌在細節的注重和研究衣服的靈活性取得相當不錯的平衡

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hang 香港時裝品牌 Hong Kong Fashion Designer Label

HANG is a contemporary fashion brand with simple, neat and sophisticated style.
Designer pays a lot of efforts on choosing and handling the right fabric, cutting them in specific ways, and focusing on the details on the clothes in order to connect their clothing to the customers and make them feel surprised. There is sporty influence on the collection which the designer uses sporty fabric like neoprene with cotton so as to improve the functionality and form of the clothing.
Hang 是一個本地時裝品牌,風格簡潔成熟。設計師投放大量心血於選取合適的布料。透過特別剪裁和對細節的重視,設計師希望穿者能在穿上衣服後感受到設計師的心血。系列中多混用潜水物料neoprene 和cotton去提高舒適度並且改善衣服在身上的型態